The Lab’s main location will be closed on Thursday, Oct. 10, since we have been notified by PG&E that they plan to shut off power to the Lab later this evening. If you normally work at the Lab’s main location, please continue to work from an alternative location on Thursday. Other Lab locations, including JGI, Emery Station, Potter Street, and OCFO will be open and continue to operate normally on Thursday.
A public safety power shutdown is unprecedented for the Lab and for northern California. PG&E has informed its customers that once power is turned off, it will remain off until its crews can inspect power lines and repair any damage, a process that can take days. At this time, it is unclear when the Lab’s main location will reopen.
Representatives across the Lab are working together in the Emergency Operations Center to plan for the re-energization of the Lab in a methodical and safe way to protect our people and our assets before we re-occupy the Lab.
Continue to check for information on, at 1-800-445-5830, or at @LBNLstatus. FAQs are available here. Thank you for your patience in this fluid situation.
Michael Brandt
Deputy Director, Operations and
Chief Operating Officer