With the number of COVID-19 cases in some countries, many travelers are needing to change or cancel their trips. If there is a traveler that needs to change or cancel their foreign trip, please be sure to contact Debbie Warner and Julie Glover of any changes or cancellations to a foreign trip. The foreign travel office needs to cancel or modify the requests with DOE & the Department of State.
On the email please provide the following details as described below:
Email subject line: [COUNTRY] Trip Cancelled/Trip Changed – Travelers name, LBNL Trip Number 0002XXXXX
- Travelers name
- Trip Number
- Departure date
- Reason trip is change/cancelled
- Is the full trip being changed/cancelled?
- Any costs incurred towards this request? (Example: Prepaid airfare, non- refundable airfare or registration fees)
- If only part of the trip is being cancelled, what are the changes to the trip?