These in-person events have been canceled, suspended, postponed, or moved online primarily due to COVID-19 concerns. For guidance on planning an event or changing the status of an event, please consult these lab FAQs. Questions? Send an email to Note that this is not a comprehensive list:
March: ALS, Berkeley Lab public tours — Canceled for month of March
March 12: A Science Comedian’s Guide to Communicating Science, 10:30 a.m. to noon — Moved Online:
March 12: Red Cross Blood Drive — Canceled for month of March
March 12-13: Visit by UC State Governmental Relations — Canceled
March 16: Women Scientists and Engineers Council (WSEC) Networking Forum — Postponed
March 18: Year UP Staff Visit — Postponed
March 19: Zenger Folkman Extraordinary Leader Workshop — Postponed
March 21: Nuclear Science Day for Scouts — Postponed
March 22-26: DOE Joint Genome Institute 15th Annual Genomics of Energy & Environment Meeting; Viral EcoGenomics & Applications (VEGA) Symposium — Canceled, may be rescheduled
KBase and Fungal/Algal workshops — Canceled
March 24: Reverse Science Fair — Postponed
March 24-25: DOE InnovationXLab CarbonX Summit —Rescheduled to July 14-15, 2020 in Pittsburgh
March 26-27: NCUR Conference at Montana State University (Talent Outreach Event) — Canceled
March 27-29: National Postdoc Association Conference (Outreach Event) — Canceled
March 31: Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill — Postponed
March 30-April 3: Microbial Genomics & Metagenomics (MGM) Workshop — Canceled
April: UC Management Skills Assessment Program — Canceled for the month
April 3-5: NAISEF at Oklahoma State University (Talent Outreach Event) — Canceled
April 6: Colorado School of Mines Talent Outreach Event — Canceled
April 8-9: Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Officer’s UC Systemwide Meeting @ UC Davis — Canceled
April 10: LBNL Equity Advisors Cohort-1, Live Role-Play Final Training Session — Postponed
April 14-15: UC Santa Barbara Talent Outreach Event — Canceled
April 17: Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Dedication Event and Reception, Arizona — Postponed
April 17: Bring A Kid to Work Day — Postponed
April 22: Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) meeting for the National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC) — Online Teleconference, 8-11 a.m. April 22. In-person meeting to be rescheduled.
May 17-22: International Conference on Clinical Vibrational Spectroscopy (SPEC 2020), Monterey, California — Canceled for now, will possibly be rescheduled.