Dear colleagues,
Based on public health guidance and the best available scientific evidence, we are continuing to work on policies and plans to keep the Lab’s mission moving forward while protecting our people. We acknowledge the measures UC Berkeley and other public and private sector organizations are taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are also balancing direction from the Department of Energy, University of California, and local, state, and federal guidelines.
The Lab is immediately taking the following measures to increase social distancing and protect the health, safety, and welfare of all of us at the Lab.
All international travel is suspended until further notice. Exceptions require Department of Energy approval. To request an exception, please route your request through line management to your Associate Lab Director (ALD). ALDs will be provided separate guidance on the DOE approval process.
The Lab recommends that you minimize non-essential domestic travel.
Travel Services will assist anyone who has scheduled travel plans with cancelations and refunds. Please see the FAQs for details.
Visitors, Conferences, and Events
Consider canceling or rescheduling conferences and large meetings/events scheduled to take place in the next 60 days. Cancellation or postponement of all DOE-sponsored conferences and large meetings/events requires DOE approval. ALDs will be provided separate guidance on the DOE approval process.
Please cancel or postpone all visits and Lab tours that are not essential to Lab research or operations until further notice. Line management has the authority to determine what visits are essential or not essential.
Where possible, take advantage of phone and Zoom meetings, video conferencing, and other collaborative tools rather than hosting in-person meetings, collaborations, and visitors. Please see the FAQs on teleconferencing.
Social Distancing and Telework
The Lab is encouraging use of phone and video conferencing meetings rather than in-person meetings.
The Lab is encouraging telework per the current policy.
In preparation for the implementation of a broader telework policy, line managers are asked to review the current telework policy and start planning how it would be applied in your work areas.
The CIMG is actively working on Lab policy and guidance for employees who do not qualify for telework and considerations for employees on telework for extended periods.
Thank you for your continued attention in helping to implement the policies and guidance provided.