Now more than ever, it’s clear that the choices each of us makes affect not only our own health and safety but also the health and safety of those around us. We can all be proud that during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have established measures that have helped keep Berkeley Lab’s people healthy.
In alignment with orders from the Alameda County and City of Berkeley public health departments, which require that employers establish a health symptom-check protocol, all Lab employees coming on site to any Lab location are asked to self-monitor for COVID-19-related symptoms. This requirement is no different from previous Lab guidance about self-isolating if you are ill, but please review the below list of known COVID-19 symptoms, which have evolved.
Prior to entering any Lab site, please determine whether you are experiencing any of the following symptoms. If you are, you may not enter any Lab site.
- Chills
- Cough that is not associated with seasonal allergies
- Feeling feverish and/or your temperature is 100 deg F or more*
- Headache
- Muscle pain
- New loss of taste or smell
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Sore throat
*Taking your temperature is recommended as the best way to determine fever, but is not required.
If you have any of these symptoms, do not come to any Lab site. If you have questions, please contact your health care provider or the Lab’s Health Services team at 510-486-6266.
Delivery personnel, vendors, and contractors should follow the health screening processes of their respective employers prior to entering Lab sites.
Please note that the Lab may be required to adjust this health-symptom check process to align with evolving guidance and best practices at the local, state, and federal levels, particularly as more employees are cleared to begin working on site.
We appreciate your help in following this procedure. By working together we can continue to keep our Lab locations safe for you to continue your critical work in support of the Lab’s mission.
Mike Witherell
Lab Director
Michael Brandt
Deputy Lab Director for Operations and Chief Operations Officer
Horst Simon
Deputy Lab Director for Research and Chief Research Officer