The Director’s Awards, the most prestigious awards bestowed on employees by the Lab, have a new look for this year.
Margaret Dick, Chief of Staff to the Lab Director, set out on a quest to find a graphical look that portrayed the significance of these awards. “I wanted those who receive this award and those who aspire to receive it, to understand that these awards highlight significant achievements, but as a non-artist, I didn’t know how to share that thought as an image.”
Enter Creative Services artist Susan Brand, who designed several graphical representations of the award in consultation with Dick, to arrive at the final look. “I chose to portray the four elements of life, earth, water, air, and fire in the overlapping heptagons. The seven-sided polygons represent the six science areas plus operations that make up the Lab,” said Brand.
At the ceremony for the Director’s Awards, those selected will receive a piece of crystal with the new artwork and their name etched on it. Nominations for this year are due June 30. Read more about the Director’s Awards.