Dear colleagues,
Last night in an abundance of caution, the Lab curtailed operations for today, Monday, due to a forecast of high probability for thunderstorms, erratic winds, and lightning strikes in the East Bay. The forecasted weather dissipated early and inclement conditions are not expected to occur in the East Bay today. Therefore the Lab will reopen beginning at 10 a.m. today to those who are authorized to work on Lab sites under Pilot 2b. If you were scheduled to be on site today, please work with your supervisor to determine whether you should continue teleworking today or return to the site.
The Red Flag Warning will remain in effect until 5 p.m. The current air quality in the Bay Area continues to be poor, ranging from moderate to unhealthy depending on your location. The Lab continues to monitor the air quality using Purple Air monitors set throughout the Lab. In close consultation with Health Services, we advise managers to limit employees’ physical activity outside and to keep office windows closed. Where feasible and safe, we are reducing the amount of outside air entering building ventilation systems.
If you have not already signed up for LabAlert on your Lab and personal devices, please do so immediately. This will be the main channel of communication in the event of any emergency at the Lab.
We will continue to monitor the situation and update as conditions warrant. Go to, call 1-800-445-5830, or go to Twitter @LBNLstatus.