Dear colleagues,
PG&E has informed the Lab that it will not have its power turned off at this time as part of a potential Public Safety Power Shutoff that may occur in California later this week. Other locations outside of Berkeley are still at risk for having power turned off.
However, the National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for the East Bay Hills from Monday, September 7, at 10 p.m. through Wednesday, September 9, at 8 a.m.
No action is required at this time, but all divisions should continue to monitor their email for updates and be prepared should conditions change.
Under these red flag conditions, it is possible for the rapid spread of fire and an increased risk of heat-related illnesses. This means no exterior Hot Work operations at the Lab. You should take additional health and safety precautions during this time of excessive heat.
Take caution when parking or starting a vehicle near a hillside to ensure that mufflers and tailpipes are not in direct contact with brush.
Smoking is allowed only in the designated smoking areas. Make sure that smoking materials are completely extinguished before disposing of them in the designated receptacles.
If you are outdoors, limit strenuous activity, drink more water than usual, and know the signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
If you see any signs of smoke or fire, call 9-1-1. For other safety issues, call the Lab’s Security Operations Center at (510) 486-6999.
The Lab’s Site Operations Center and Emergency Management team will continue to monitor the weather and PG&E reports as conditions develop and provide an update via email on the weather conditions and the Lab’s status as needed.
If you have not already signed up for LabAlert on your Lab and personal devices, please do so immediately. This will be the main channel of communication in the event of any emergency at the Lab.
Updates will also be posted at, on 1-800-445-5830, and on Twitter @LBNLstatus.
Michael Brandt
Deputy Director, Operations and
Chief Operating Officer