MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR Dear colleagues, It is an honor to introduce myself to the Office of Science laboratory community. I’m ready and excited to pour my energy into making sure that we continue to be the world-class, powerhouse science agency we have always been, and the steward of the research crown jewels that our labs represent. My first and foundational goal is to support, … [Read more...]
DOE’s Science and Technology Matrix: Collaborating with International Researchers while Protecting U.S. Interests
Collaborating with international researchers is at the heart of what we do at the Lab, and as a taxpayer-funded institution, it is our responsibility to continue that collaboration in a manner that continues our spirit of openness while protecting the economic interests of the United States. The Department of Energy (DOE) has introduced the Science and Technology (S&T) Matrix in order to … [Read more...]
Berkeley Lab to Conduct R&D to Improve the Nation’s COVID-19 Testing Capabilities
Berkeley Lab is part of a multi-laboratory working group that received DOE funding last week to conduct R&D to help improve the nation’s COVID-19 testing capabilities. The research involves eight DOE national labs and is funded for the next six months. The working group identified several opportunities where additional R&D can improve existing COVID-19 diagnostic methods or help … [Read more...]
DOE’S Chris Fall Thanks Lab For PSPS Plans and Response
Colleagues, We received this note from the Director of the DOE's Office of Science, Chris Fall. Michael Brandt and I briefed him on the power shut down events here at the Lab, and he was very impressed with how effective and efficient all of our operations teams were. Please see his note below. Best regards, Mike Dear Berkeley Lab Staff, On behalf of the Department of Energy, I … [Read more...]