A six-week tree removal project that includes closing parts or all of Centennial Road between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. begins Monday, Dec. 2. The tree removal project will remove eucalyptus trees, select pine and oak trees, and underbrush for 100 feet on both sides of Centennial Road starting at the intersection of Centennial and Grizzly Peak Road and continuing along the entire length of Centennial Road to Memorial Stadium. The project is removing trees that might fall and block Centennial Road, cutting off a critical evacuation and emergency access route in case of an emergency. It will also create a fire break and reduce fuels along the roadside that could easily ignite and spread a fire.
The project will be in three phases making Grizzly and Strawberry Gates inaccessible at times and impacting the Upper Hill, Orange, and Rockridge shuttle routes.
More details on the needed changes will be available in the next two weeks.
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